The roof goes on!

The roof goes on!
Weathertight for winter

Monday, 8 March 2010

At last, clear blue skies and sunshine, although a sneaky N.E. wind is making it pretty chilly here. Never mind, in sheltered spots it's glorious. Our plan tomorrow is to light the fire in the roundhouse and make charcoal drawing sticks which we can use to draw on pieces of bark. Barry is going to make a wooden pig so watch this space...! Today there was ice on puddles and baby lambs to bottle-feed as well as shetland ponies on Death Hill.
Hyde Park Junior School are having a great time and a group have just set off across the lawn field to collect the donkeys. Time to light the Quiet Room fire I think...
I'm trying to get my head round this blogging thing and want to let you view photos of the progress of the roundhouse from the beginning to now. Let's see how I get on!