The roof goes on!

The roof goes on!
Weathertight for winter

Friday, 3 June 2011

After a pretty cold May and a cloudy and chilly half-term, the weather has now come good for our first school of the summer proper! There are loads of chicks hatching out and a couple of young goslings in the cob shed with their parents. The vegetable garden is visibly changing every day and things are growing so fast. In the house we are eating new potatoes, rhubarb, salad leaves, parsley, strawberries and radishes. Our last 4 pigs are providing us with delicious sausages and pork and we have loads of eggs every day. Things will only get more abundant as the growing season progresses and we are planning to get more weaners in September to supplement our pork stocks.
On Saturday 23rd July we will be at The Mid-Devon Show in Tiverton as the charity of the show, so come and see us there if you can. We are also running a Grand Draw to coincide with the show and tickets are available from Nethercott from this week.
Our family of Bluetits fledged last week and now the nestbox is very empty. We had a lot of pleasure out of watching the laying and hatching of eggs and seeing the parents coming again and again with food for their chicks. Sadly, one of them died before it was fully-grown but hopefully the rest of them are living independently and successfully around Nethercott.
Joseph, Chriss and Bluebell are in the yard waiting for the farrier to come and trim their feet today. They don't enjoy that much but it needs doing!
Roll on another enjoyable half term and long may this weather last.